12 inspirational stories shared by parents with their MP

Since My Christian School launched in February, over 800 parents have written to their Federal Member of Parliament, sharing the difference that Christian teachers and staff make for their children and families.
These are stories of care and connection, support and safety, purpose and peace. Here are just 12 of those stories, shared with permission.
Take a moment to send a message to your MP today.
“We felt it was particularly important for our adopted daughters to have an extra loving and secure environment at school so we chose a small local Christian school which provided them with consistent, faith and hope filled relationships with their Christian teachers from K to 12. We couldn’t have asked for more.
We recently celebrated our youngest daughter’s marriage to a young man who also enrolled at the same school in Year 1. They have shared most of their young lives together under the caring and nurturing environment of a Christian school and have gone on to achieve success in their chosen careers. We give credit to this community for their success thus far.”
– Sharon
“I am a parent and also a former student of a Christian school, and I can honestly say I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for the love, care, and grace shown to me by the amazing Christian teachers at the school.
I had so many people demonstrate a real and living faith to me – when I hit the lowest point in the darkness of depression after losing a classmate in a motorcycle accident, they reached out with words of wisdom from the Bible to give me hope and strengthen my faith in God.
Christian education is so important to me, and so important that my children experience an education with the biblical foundation which may very well save their life as it did mine.
Please understand and empathize with a parents’ right to decide what education they want for their child, and do not look to overstep the boundaries between government and parenting.”
– Ruth
“Christian Schools have become so appealing and are in demand because they have built a reputation for being a caring, safe and loving environment for our little people to be educated in…as well as delivering a high standard of education. This doesn’t happen by accident! This is because the schools are permitted to choose the staff and teachers that fit their beliefs and work with the leadership of the school. We love that our kids are being supported in a faith filled, Christian school who is supporting and encouraging them to be all they can be. They model Christianity every day.
Please don’t allow this to be taken away or diluted.
There are so many great public schools in need of great teachers too. Let’s work on making the working conditions better for teachers there instead of making waves and problems where the system that exists in Christian Schools is working fine as it is.”
– Deb
“We want to have teachers that not only have the same faith but also the same values. They are able to teach our children the words of God and believe it themselves. The children need to be able to feel that sincerity and honesty from their teachers. This is not a subject to our family this is their faith. Something that will carry them throughout life.
My sons have had teachers pray with them through some difficult times and through good times. It is a connection like no other. It brings safety, comfort and strength to my kids. This will not be happening if they are not Christian teachers. “
– Carmen
“Since my child moved from a public primary school to [school name] his levels of mental wellbeing have significantly improved. He is within a secure Christian environment where the teachers hold similar values. It is now wonderful to see the smiley and relaxed son who is developing friendships and nurtured to dig deep into his faith, values that will motivate him later in life to pursue leadership and strong values and morals.
The potential changes to Christian schooling seems to be suggesting that the faith of Christian teachers and staff doesn’t matter. As someone who chooses to send their child to a Christian school, I want to let you know that faith makes a big difference.
If you knew my son to my son now you’d be blown away by the turn around in his life due to the positive influence in his life.”
– Rohan
“My child experiences anxiety and at a previous school this was accepted and attempts were made to assist, but he got worse. His teachers tried to care but they didn’t understand the importance of his faith. They were unable to provide assistance that reached the core of who he is. He moved to a Christian school this year. His teachers are able to meet him at the same faith level as he is and this has helped him to feel more supported and cared for. Guiding him to put trust in God, his teacher have made a big difference. He has more confidence and is now handing assignments in on time. His learning is accelerating.”
– Melanie
“These teachers live their faith in a very real way, and are able to help students in these difficult times both socially and spiritually, as well as educationally. Parents choose Christian schools for this very reason – to have a faith-based environment where Jesus makes a difference.
As someone who chose to send 4 children to a Christian school, I want to let you know that faith makes a big difference. These teachers have been crucial in preventing my daughters, in particular, from self-harming and suicide. They have taken the time to teach my children from a holistic point of view – that we are emotional, spiritual and social human beings. Being able to share their faith in the classroom/ at school, has made all of the difference to all of my children’s well-being. Here in [town name removed], many parents want the choice to send their children to a Christian school, which must remain distinctive. I urge you to reject this proposed change.”
– Trudi
“My boys are now adults and I know that for one of them, if he hadn’t gone to a Christian school, he would either be in jail or dead. So it is important to me that Christian schools with Christian teachers and staff are still around. The patience, compassion, support and love the Christian teachers gave to my children can not be replaced by someone who does not have the same faith, values and understanding as my husband and I. I want my children to have the choice to send their children to a Christian school in the future if they want to.”
– Julie
“As a parent of 4 children, I consider our family incredibly blessed to have access to schools where teachers of the same faith nurture and in still the same amazing values, that help our children navigate this troubled world. I have two children that are now adults, they value greatly and reflect regularly on the relationships and guidance given them by teachers who hold the same excellent values. We have to acknowledge our spiritual needs as much as our physical and emotional needs.”
– Elizabeth
“Knowing that the Christian teachers are there to support and encourage my children in their education journey, whilst also respecting the role I have as their father, gives me confidence in the outcomes that can be achieved. My daughter was elected Vice Captain last year, and as a shy and introverted girl, the staff from the Principal down walked with her and motivated her. By the end of Year 12 she was confident and empowered to go on to University and contribute to the country.”
– Ian
“My child attends a local Christian school and we value the opportunity for her to be taught by Christian teachers immensely! This is the reason that we send her to a Christian school. Our daughter previously attended a public school and although it was a lovely school in many ways nothing compares with the love, care and spiritual enrichment/ nurturing of her faith that our daughter has received from all the Christian teachers at her school. The impact this has had on her sense of worth, reassuring her that she is a deeply loved child of God is profound. This can only be taught, modelled and nurtured by teachers who are genuinely Christian.”
– Elizabeth
“We encouraged our children to be given opportunities to grow in areas of compassion and community/world service apart from learning from a Christian world view perspective.
We supported all our children taking up opportunities to visit either West Timor or Thailand or both. They were enriched by sharing their faith within other cultures and experiencing many different views and experiences of life. Christian teachers were integral to this experience. They gave their holiday time freely to support our children whilst overseas.
They all came back challenged and changed for which we were grateful and we can say it changed their lives by putting their faith into practice.
Some of the of their experiences were:
Spending a week visiting an AIDS orphanage in Thailand, learning to share and care for children whose life was impacted by rejection by their own culture through ignorant fear of AIDS.
Sharing services of worship with girls who had been rescued out of child prostitution. These girls were radiant and poured out their hearts in thanks to God for saving them from that fate. This deeply affected our girls! It was a former student from their school in Melbourne who set up Destiny Rescue to rescue these children in very dangerous circumstance. Some had to be bought!
Our children spent time cleaning and repainting a Leprosy Hospital and planting Mahogany trees for a future cash crop to supply its needs. They learnt what the causes of leprosy were and how medication and surgery made a significant difference. They were challenged by how these staff had given their lives to make a difference to people who had no resources and didn’t even believe what they believed.”
– Jim