Stories of good news from Christian teachers and staff

Teaching is challenging and Christian faith motivates Christian teachers and staff to make a difference.

Teacher in WA

I am thankful for the opportunity to mentor my students in their Christian faith. As an art teacher, I recently had such an opportunity: The teenaged girls in my class were drawing self-portraits, and were being quite critical of their own appearance as they drew all their facial features. I reminded them that they are each uniquely beautiful and fearfully and wonderfully made by God. In this way I could refer to what the Bible says to encourage the girls to develop a positive mind frame about their physical appearance.

Teacher in WA

Children at our school come from a number of different faiths. We also have many children who bring social or emotional challenges. Knowing Jesus’ compassion, our staff – including the office, maintenance, canteen, and teaching staff have the freedom to talk about God’s love for these individuals. We can encourage and pray with our students where appropriate. Planting seeds and nurturing them is a privilege.

Teacher in Victoria

When I was struggling with a really challenging class early in my career, I prayed a lot about it, and God reminded me of the patience he’d shown me in my life when I had been difficult. He’d focused not on the behaviour itself, but on the root cause – the need for love, the lack of trust, the brokenness – and helped me gently from the inside out. When I took that approach with my students – dealing with behaviour in the moment when it was needed, but treating each one as an individual with hurts and frustrations, and being willing to listen before jumping to conclusions – it revolutionised not just the way that I taught, but the extent to which my students trusted me, behaved in class, and enjoyed my classes.

Teacher in ACT

I felt a strong calling to teach during a Mission exposure trip to Rwanda, 4-years post-genocide. It was during this trip, inspired by some young people with a strong Christian faith who were actively serving their local communities and involved in rebuilding their devastated country that I felt compelled to teach, equip, train, coach and care for the next generation.

Teacher in Victoria

I received a message from a past student a few years after she graduated. The message was one of thanks. She acknowledged that she had been a challenging student and said she truly appreciated the fact I had cared about her. A few years later I ran into her at a school event and she sat and talked with me for over an hour. It was wonderful seeing her again as a young adult.

Teacher in NSW

I do what I do because of my faith. Everyone acknowledges that in our society, teachers are undervalued and underpaid as a whole with enormous pressure as they try to make a difference in a community without consequences or boundaries, with lack of respect and understanding for the trauma most teachers face each day. I stay in this job because I believe this is where God wants me – it would be far easier to follow another path. Because of my faith, I want to give this generation stability, love and understanding. It is so hard for this generation and they face things I never had to as a child. I want to be there for them.

Teacher in WA

Being a Christian teacher is a chance to speak life and bring hope to students and families in a culture that desperately needs it.

Teacher in New South Wales

We had a teenage female student who appeared very depressed, having her parents going through a divorce. I was quite concerned for her, and tried to engage with her as much as I could. It was difficult. One teacher in particular used to meet up with her during lunch breaks, supporting, encouraging her and praying with her. One day, I noticed a HUGE change in her demeanour – smiling and engaging with others walking past her. After a few days I had to ask, “I’ve noticed a change in you. What’s going on?” She responded with a smile from deep inside – I’ve connected with a church and found Jesus. I cried! I’m thankful for that teacher who persevered through the difficult and probably awkward conversations, giving up her lunch break, to introduce a student to Jesus, the only one who could give her hope and a purpose.

Teacher in WA

A particular student with a difficult home life and who also struggles academically, is achieving improvement with grades purely from a Christian school environment that caters to his needs. His relationship with God is helping him deal with other issues and providing a positive perspective on life in general.

Teacher in QLD

Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Christian teachers serve their students and families, showing love and humility because that is what Christ has called us to.

Teacher in NSW

Teaching children is very rewarding, but at times it can be a tough road. Knowing that I have been called by God to do this helps in the harder times and also helps me to encourage children when they are struggling in their learning.

Teacher in Western Australia

A student who was suffering from anxiety and depression and missing out on much of her learning because of her toxic home life, often came to see me and asked to be prayed for (she happens to be from a different faith). Home life is still the same but the added difficulty of one of the parent getting a life-threatening diagnosis, but the student had found solace and comfort in prayers. She is now the college captain!

Teacher in Queensland

Just a week ago a foster Care child came into our school. He was constantly moved from house to house and was moved around the school until he came into my room. The child instantly settled in was displaying completely different attitudes in class. The child after a few months really settled in and to the surprise of the carers was doing amazing in school. This boy last week just left the school and went to live with his real dad. He left feeling loved, safe and carrying a present (fishing rod) and a book full of memories from school. That is what God’s love does through thousands of students each year.