Stories of good news from parents and grandparents

Across generations, parents are thankful for how Christian faith benefits their children at school.

Parent in NSW

My son is a great kid who takes his faith seriously but sometimes struggles socially as he has little in common with a lot of the other boys in his year. One of the ground staff at our school has been great at getting alongside him, encouraging him in his faith and also helping him to see how to talk about his faith to his friends in a way that is relatable.

Parent in Queensland

My son is at [school name hidden] in Year 9. He is flourishing in all his subjects and is excelling in basketball. He could get that at many schools across Queensland – yes, I know! However, there is something very special going on in his character of late. Instead of waking up grumpy dreading the school day. Instead of wanting everything done for him. He wakes up excited about the day ahead and often says ‘God is so good, there is so much to look forward to in life’. He has started making me breakfast and checking that I have lunch for the day. The shift from self-centred hopelessness to others-centred expectation for the future has been significant. The deep realisation that life is full of purpose has become evident this past term. He is testimony to the foundations of Christian schools helping students know they are loved and valued by God and that they have a purpose in life. He is fully aware that his purpose is not just selfish, but is about affecting the lives of his peers, his teachers and his community.

John and Julie
Parents in NSW

Our son has Autism Spectrum Disorder and the staff loved, accepted and cared for him so genuinely. He was not made to feel different and adjustments were made to accommodate his needs so he could successfully learn alongside his peers. He graduated Year 12 and took an apprenticeship and his teachers were so proud of his success.

Parent in Queensland

My eldest boy has just started studying at university to be a teacher. Why? Because he was inspired by the teachers he has at his Christian School who have modelled a life of faith to him, whilst teaching him about the world around him. Teachers at Christian Schools have a greater purpose, not only educating young minds, but caring for, and loving them. My son wants to now do this for others.

Parent in NSW

Under the guidance of her teachers, my daughter is not only excelling academically but also embracing her Christian path. While all schools teach, [school name hidden] has ignited her love for learning from day one, with her teachers incorporating their faith to inspire her. Being a solo single parent, I diligently budget to ensure she can remain at [school name]. It’s heartening to see her grow up feeling protected and motivated by her teachers, forging her individual journey of faith alongside God. I personally discovered my faith (for the first time) and became a Christian in the year leading up to her starting school. This journey introduced me to a fulfilling life I didn’t even know existed. Not only do the teachers at [school name hidden] inspire our children but they also inspire the families. My daughter is now in year 3 and her class teachers have contributed wholeheartedly to the wonderful Christian journey she is on and without them knowing it – that I am on as well.

Parent in South Australia

The teachers of my three children have taught my children with love and care, helping them to know that they are special and dearly loved by God. That their value does not come from their achievements but that their value comes from God and is not determined from their circumstances. That they have hope in a world that can often seem hopeless.

Parent in NSW

When I decided to send my son to a Christian School I thought I’d just be helping him to focus better on his studies. I didn’t realise I’d also benefit from my interactions with the staff from a Christian school. The teachers at the school loved their Christian values and faith, and lived vastly different lives from mine, which at first I found difficult but interesting. Their caring influence had a calming effect on the children & on me too, which I enjoyed.

Parent in Victoria

We are extremely grateful and blessed to have had Christian teachers at our school who do not take their roles as ‘just a job’ or even ‘just a job’ or even ‘just a career’ but go above and beyond as they consider it a ‘ministry’ and ‘a calling’. They have prayed with and prayed for our children, stood by us and assisted us when we faced challenges with any of our children and have come along side us as parents in guiding our children. It is not just about educating them with facts and figures but growing them as individuals and our teachers do an amazing job at partnering with us in this.

Grandparent in NSW

I was a parent, foster parent and now a foster grandparent. At the moment I have 3 foster grandchildren at the school. The moral values and extra care given to each of the above children went beyond and above what was expected. [My foster son’s] ADHD, Tourettes syndrome, obsessive behaviour and anger, took a lot for a teacher to cope with. I know it was because of the teachers faith and commitment to know each child is special in Gods sight and wanting the best for them that they went the extra mile. Now my two grown foster children are adults with children of their own and the Christian school they attended is where they want their children to attend and receive the love they received.