A self-centred nation?
We have good news.
Christian Schools are all about the Good News. About Jesus, of course. But the good news about Jesus also helps to solve some of Australia’s biggest social problems.
As you’ll see in the video message from Ann, a wonderful teacher from Norwest Christian College, the whole of Australia benefits when children receive their education from Christian teachers at Christian schools.
First, the bad news.
Australia is running out of volunteers. Numbers have been in decline since 2001. Really bad news for environment clean ups and for support of older Australians, which depend on volunteer help. A recent survey found 72% of us believe that we, as a nation, have become more self-centred. Maybe that’s the problem.
Now to the good news.
Volunteering is the opposite of being self-centred. And it turns out that many Millennial Australians, who are now between the ages of 25 and 40, are putting their hands up.
Especially those who went to a Christian School.
Cardus Education Survey Australia 2020 found that nearly half of Millennials who went to a Christian school will go on to volunteer for an organisation that helps the elderly or the environment.
% of Millennial graduates who have volunteered with an organisation that helps the elderly
% of Millennial graduates who have volunteered with an organisation that helps the environment
Why is that happening? Ann has her own views and it would be terrific if you would give her hearing and share in your social networks.