A series of town hall events for supporters of Christian schools

“This is a moment of high danger for religious education.”
– Paul Kelly, The Australian

On 21 March, the Australian Law Reform Commission released a set of recommendations that are an appalling attack on faith and freedom of belief in Australia. If the Government accepts these ALRC recommendations, it means Christian schools will be unable to only employ Christian teachers and staff who share and can teach the same values and beliefs of the school.

As Paul Kelly also noted, “Religious education, its communities and parental discretions would be weakened long term.” You can read more here.

The good news is the Federal Government has not yet made its position clear, but we need to send a clear message to the Prime Minister that Christian Schools must be able to employ people who share our faith.

My Christian School is running Town Hall events in major cities across Australia to allow parents, teachers and students to have their voice heard. These events are called ‘Faith in our Future’ and will bring together supporters of Christian schools and their representatives in parliament.

These events are an opportunity to share about the impact of Christian faith in our schools, to share our concerns with our Federal political representatives and ask for their support.

If you want the Government to continue to value the faith of Christian teachers and staff, you need to be there!

What can you expect at the event?

These events are an opportunity to celebrate the difference that Christian faith makes and to share these stories with our political representatives. The tone will be positive and hopeful. The highlight being the sharing of good news stories from teachers, staff, parents and students.

The program will include:

  1. The challenge facing our schools
  2. Short stories from our communities about the value of Christian faith
  3. A short address by two political representatives

Register in your city

  • Sydney (6 May at Regents Park Christian School)
  • Perth (8 May at Swan Christian College)
  • Launceston (21 May at Launceston Christian School)
  • Melbourne (22 May at Waverley Christian College)

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